Welcome — I’m Hannah, the creator of Empowered by Melanin.

My journey for self-awareness began in a place of quiet “There has got to be more to life” frustration, and a need for guidance that never came. 

So, instead of searching for answers outside, I turned inwards, slowly shedding the layers of doubt and discovering a life filled with intention and authenticity.

Facing fears head-on has been my way of navigating life, propelling me towards the aspirations that always seem too distant. These experiences shape what Empowered by Melanin is about: a continual journey towards personal growth, celebrating small victories, and maintaining focus on what truly matters to you amidst the chaos.

As an advocate for clean beauty and curated wines, I see these roles as extensions of my philosophy: live fully and create a life that resonates with who you are. Whether it's through the daily ritual of skincare that boosts your confidence or enjoying a glass of wine that transports you to different cultures, it's about enriching your life with experiences that matter.

I invite you to explore this space, engage with the content, and perhaps find something within that resonates with your own story.

Let’s embrace the beauty of our narratives together.